Turn your PowerPoint presentations into engaging e-learning courses with JollyDeck
Generate an entire question bank for your e-learning course in a matter of minutes with JollyDeck's AI Copilot.
Results of PowerPoint to Course conversions in the first month
With JollyDeck’s AI Copilot you can now effortlessly now generate questions for your e-learning course.
Reimagine your learning content instantly and design captivating courses with AI-powered Slide Copilot
Because of the overwhelming demand for our development timeline, we decided to make a public commitment to our AI timeline and post it online.
A hands-on microlearning course on how to say no in the workplace
Practical tips for turning walls of text into attention-grabbing slides
Build a competency framework that powers talent management inside your organisation
How you can build a culture of compliance through compliance training
The most valuable KPIs to measure and improve the efficiency of your compliance training
The most common excuses learners have in compliance training and how to remove them
8 points to consider with your complice training records and reporting
8 points to consider when managing the users in your compliance training
12 points to consider when making a clear communication plan for your compliance training
The 11 most common friction points when accessing the training
7 things to check in your content before launching the training
9 things to do in compliance training to secure buy in from your stakeholders
A quick tour through the Learning Management Systems requirements for compliance training
An in-depth guide comparing bespoke and off-the-shelf compliance training
How to onboard your staff safely after COVID-19
JollyDeck has been named as a top LMS provider in 2020 by Software World.
Support materials for your employees when they return to work after the pandemic
The ultimate guidebook on how to successfully implement and execute compliance training within your organisation.
Free use of the JollyDeck learning platform with required support for all mission critical organisations
A full analysis of the topics that were trending on Twitter for the Learning and Development community in 2019
Initial results of our survey we run for the 4th year in a row.
How to cover the whole process of creating digital workplace learning content
Our Twitter research shows the Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a firm grasp on L&D’s collective imagination.
The Internet is full of stock photos, and it’s never been easier finding a good-looking image that goes well with the topic of your learning content.
To gain insight into the L&D sentiment, we decided to monitor Twitter on a monthly basis.
User engagement in e-learning is a huge problem, and there are generally two approaches to deal with it: the Dogmatic and the Heretical Approach.
Over the years we’ve developed a set of rules and standards, applied across our platform. All with one goal: make the JollyDeck user experience enjoyable.
In 2016, the popularity of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence dramatically rose. For more findings, check out the L&D Trends on Twitter in 2016.
Have you ever caught yourself staring at beautiful charts or cascades of numbers that doesn’t actually tell you anything – at least nothing you need to know?
We recently examined Donald Taylor’s L&D Global Sentiment Survey, summarizing past attempts by the L&D community to predict future trends.
Compliance in regulated sectors like gas and finance shapes organizational culture, often leading to negative sentiment among the workforce.
This is your guide to building an attractive, effective and engaging learning course, delivered via The Coach.
Text is most likely not the sexiest medium in online learning. Yet it’s certainly the most convenient one.
Now more than ever, e-learning needs marketing to attract its customers. But with limited resources, you’ll probably need to get creative.
E-learning courses demand time and effort. As learning designers, we should be respectful of these scarce resources for modern workplace learners.
On July 23, 2015, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) announced a change in the way customer complaints need to be handled.
Mobile learning is all the rage in the industry. But how likely is it that you’ll open a learning app during your precious 5-minute break?
Five years ago, "Gamestorming" became a bestseller, presented unique approaches for fostering creativity and innovation through gaming.
Community Gateway Association wanted a fun way to communicate their core set of beliefs and aims to their employees.
We are passionate about helping our clients create relevant, well-written questions.
There is now a way of getting frontline teams up to speed for every new product launch.
From analytics and conversions to measurements and evaluations - here is our guide to how the ACME Analytics Model works in JollyDeck.
It’s no big news to say that we go around doing a lot of presentations of JollyDeck as a communication and learning tool, right?
At JollyDeck, one of the questions we hear quite a bit is, ‘What kind of demographics can we expect to reach with a campaign?’.
Apple claims the iPhone 6 is "better in every way," sparking consumer interest, yet they seek specifics when making purchases.
JollyDeck was built on the belief that learning can be enjoyable and insightful without tedious clicking through dull modules.
Discover how we developed a campaign to identify knowledge gaps to provide crucial analysis.
Since we started building JollyDeck, our number one priority was providing the best learning experience possible.
Corporate learning is usually among less popular things on an employee’s task list of the day.
On Thursday the 5th of June our team will be engaging with the best in customer service and satisfaction.
How we executed our largest training campaign so far, how we suffered (and finally defeated) Murphy’s law, and how we became more dog.
I woke up this morning to an empty flat. The clothes that I’d optimistically left overnight on the washing line…which were now soaked with rain.
Last week, JollyDeck was accepted to Wayra Academy in London.
A well-conceived competition needs a plot and the plot should revolve around fighting a bad guy.
We need to pursue our goals with passion coming from within, and for this we need motive.
JollyDeck is a learning and knowledge examination tool.
About 15 years ago, Advertising was a prosperous industry and Creativity was the no.1 buzzword.
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