Product training
Rapidly build, assemble and deploy high-quality training material and become an integral part of your organisation’s success.
Go-live quicker than ever before

Build stunning e-learning in no time.

Add your text, select the right imagery, drop in some interactive elements, and you’re ready to launch. It’s as simple as that.

Get your people what they need
Our rich library of pre-built interactive elements helps you create attractive training content to strengthen your employees’ understanding of your products.
Learning courses
Role-playing scenarios
Product quizzes
FAQ lists
Cheat sheets
Quick guides
Sales decks
Publish, learn, adapt, repeat
Receiving feedback is an integral part of the learning content lifecycle.
Understand what people value and how they are interacting with your learning to drive an excellent learning experience.
Product training templates
Use our ready-to-go content to your advantage. Our pre-set templates, designed by learning experts, help you to develop quality product training for your colleagues faster than ever before.
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