Publishing content

This page refers to the old and outdated version of the JollyDeck platform.
For the up-to-date information, please visit the new JollyDeck Academy page.
Publishing content

How do I publish content?

Publishing a Course, a Test or a Checklist is equally easy. You can publish each independently or bundle them into the same Mission.

First, decide whether you want to publish your content as a Mission or a Library item:

  • If you want to actively enrol users to learning content – build a mission.
  • If you want users to access content on a self-enrol basis – publish content in the library.

Then there are few simple steps to be followed in order to publish any content as Mission or Library item.

Launch a Mission

  1. From the Dashboard, enter Missions
  2. Select New Mission:

Step 1: Choose the content and select the mode in which you want to publish your content.
Step 2: Add Users (smart segmenting really speeds up this part)
Step 3: If needed, review and manage comms (message, frequency)
Step 4: Manage mission options (card comments, feedback, time zone)
Step 5: Review your setup; confirm or schedule the Launch.

Publish in Library

  1. From the Dashboard, enter Content Library
  2. Select New library item:

Step 1: Choose the content and select the mode in which you want to publish your content.
Step 2: If needed, review and manage comms (message, frequency).
Step 3: Adjust options (cover settings, feedback, item location and time zone).

Please note: Access restrictions are set per Library Folder. Therefore, location of the library item (folder) will determine the item’s accessibility.

Step 4: Review your setup; publish the item.

Learn more about publishing and managing content in Library here.

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