Publishing content

This page refers to the old and outdated version of the JollyDeck platform.
For the up-to-date information, please visit the new JollyDeck Academy page.
Publishing content

How do I add Users to a Mission?

Both new and existing Users can be added to a new or existing Mission.

  1. From the Dashboard, enter Missions
  2. Select an existing or create a new Mission
  3. Click on Users
  4. Click on Manage Users or Add users

You can either add users manually one by one or in bulk by Import.

Adding Users manually

To add new users, click on:
Add new users > enter the User’s details > Send invite

To add existing users click on:
Add existing users > select users from the list > Add selected users > Confirm

Adding users in bulk

To add users by import, click on:
Mission users > Import users

For more details on how to import users to JollyDeck see Bulk User Management.

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