Managing comms

This page refers to the old and outdated version of the JollyDeck platform.
For the up-to-date information, please visit the new JollyDeck Academy page.
Managing comms

Where can I edit and manage email comms?

Every learning initiative in JollyDeck is supported with system email comms.

When publishing new learning, comms will be generated automatically from generic comms templates. These generated comms can be edited before or after publishing a new learning.

Editing message/content and frequency

  1. Enter Learning management
  2. Go to Manage learning collection
  3. Select the learning
  4. Click on Comms

Click on the ON/OFF slider to activate/deactivate email or click on the email title to edit its message.

Use labels when editing comms by clicking on the + add label link in the comms editor to ensure your learning comms will be personalised:

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